Monday, May 13, 2013

Learn Quadrilaterals Pictures

The quadrilaterals are the two dimensional plane shapes which have four surfaces. Therefore it is a polygon with four sides. The sum of interior angle of a quadrilaterals are 360 degrees. There are two diagonals for each quadrilaterals. Since we have two diagonals in a quadrilaterals, both the diagonals will intersect at a common point. The regular quadrilaterals will have four edges and four vertices’. The lines of symmetry of a quadrilaterals are based on what sort of the quadrilaterals are. Let us learn about various quadrilaterals pictures.

Learn Pictures of a quadrilaterals 1:

Learn picture of Square:
  • Square has 4 equal sides
  • It has 4 equal angles
  • Each angle of a square is a right angle
  • It has 4 lines of symmetry
  • Square is a regular shape

Learn Picture of a Rectangle:

  • Rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides
  • It has 4 equal angles
  • Each angle of a rectangle is a right angle
  • It has 2 lines of symmetry
  • Rectangle is an irregular shape

Learn Picture of a Parallelogram:
  • Parallelogram has 2 pairs of equal sides
  • It has 2 pairs of equal angles
  • Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel
  • It has NO lines of symmetry
  • Parallelogram is an irregular shape

Learn Pictures of a quadrilaterals 2:

Learn picture of  Rhombus:
  • Rhombus has 4 equal sides
  • It has 2 pairs of equal angles
  • Opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel
  • It has 2 lines of symmetry
  • Rhombus is an irregular shape

Learn Picture of a Trapezium:

  • Trapezium has unequal sides
  • One pair of opposite sides are parallel for a trapezium
  • It is usually has NO lines of symmetry
  • Trapezium is an irregular shape

Learn Picture of a Kite:

  • Kite has 2 pairs of equal sides
  • It has 1 pair of equal angles
  • Equal sides of a kite are adjacent
  • Kite has 1 line of symmetry
  • Kite is an irregular shape

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chart Composite Numbers

It is an integer that has more than one prime factors. They can be expressed as unique set of prime numbers. The first composite number is 4. Besides 1 every other number is either prime or composite number. Besides 1 each other natural number is either prime or composite number. In chart composite number all the numbers will the composite numbers. so that we can find the composite numbers easily by seeing the chart.

Chart composite number upto 200:


Chart composite number upto 400:


Thursday, May 9, 2013

90 Degree Right Angle

In geometry and trigonometry, a right angle is an angle that bisects the angle formed by two halves of a straight line. More precisely, if a ray is placed so that its endpoint is on a line and the adjacent angles are equal, then they are right angles.
A right triangle or right-angled triangle is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90 degree angle).

The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse (side c in the figure above). The sides adjacent to the right angle are called legs. (Source: from Wikipedia).It is shown in the figure.
Now, we are going to see some of the problems involving 90 degree right angle. From these problems, we can get clear view about 90 degree right angle.

90 degree right angle problems:

Example problem 1:
Using the diagram shown, Find the length of hypotenuse.

Right angle triangle
 a = 5cm and b = 5cm
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find c.
c2 = a2 + b2
Substitute a = 5 and b = 5.
c2 = 52 + 52
Find the square root of each side.
C= √50=5 √2cm

Additional problems in 90 degree right angle:

Example problem 2:
Determine the length of the hypotenuse in the right angle triangle, given that angle θ = 37 degree.

Sin θ= opposite side / hypotenuse
Sin 37 = 12 / x
0.6 = 12 / x
x = 12 / 0.6
x = 20
So, the side AC is 20cm.
Example problem 3:
Determine the length of the side x in the diagram, given that angle θ = 60 degree.

Here, we use the sin θ. because the sin θ is related to the opposite side and hypotenuse.
Sin θ= opposite side / hypotenuse
Sin 60 = x / 24
0.866 = x / 24
x = 24* 0.866
x = 20.8
So, the side AC is 20.8cm.

Practice problems in right angle:
1) Find the length of hypotenuse when the adjacent side is 5 and the opposite side is 12. (Answer: hypotenuse=13)
2) Determine the length of the opposite side, given that angle θ = 30 degree and hypotenuse is 24. (Answer: opposite side= 12).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Alternate Segment Theorem

Given a circle and two points P and Q on its boundary and a departure to the circle at Q, then angle between the departure and the line PQ is the same as the angle subtended by this chord in segment of the circle on the opposite side of PQ.  Alternate segment theorem states that approach involving a departure and its chord is equal to angle in the alternate segment.Interactive animatronics representatives proof of an alternate segment theorem.

Theorem for alternative segment

         The length of the line segment AB, which joins A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2) is given by
d= `|AB|=sqrt((x2-x1)^(2)+(y2-y1)^(2))`  
Let A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2) be two points in the plane.
Let d = distance between the points A and B.
Draw AL and BM perpendicular to x-axis (parallel to y-axis).
Draw AC perpendicular to BM to cut BM at C.

OL = x1, OM = x2 [AC = LM = OM - OL = x2 - x1]
MB = y2, MC = LA = y1 [CB = MB - MC = y2 - y1]

Alternate Segment Circle Theorem

           The chord CE divides the circle into 2 segments. Angle CEA and CDE are angles in alternate segments because they are in opposite segments. Circles are easy blocked curves which separate the plane into two regions, an interior and an exterior.The alternating segment theorem states that a position connecting a departure and a chord through the point of contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment.
         In conditions of the beyond diagram, the alternating segment theorem tells us to facilitate angle CEA and angle CDE are equivalent.

A digression makes an angle of 90 degrees with the radius of a circle,so we know that ∠OAC + x = 90.
The angle in a semi-circle is 90, so ∠BCA = 90.
The angles in a triangle add up to 180, so ∠BCA + ∠OAC + y = 180.
Therefore 90 + ∠OAC + y = 180 and so ∠OAC + y = 90.
But OAC + x = 90, so ∠OAC + x = ∠OAC + y.
Hence x = y.

Fractions Addition

The whole thing is partitioned in two different pieces. Each piece is called fraction of the whole thing.A fraction represents the divided form of two numbers. It takes the general form of `(a)/(b)` . Here a represents the numerator value and b represents the denominator value. `(17)/(5)` is an example for fraction. Fractions are classified according to their values numerator and denominator which plays the important role in fractions addition table

Types of fraction

1.Proper Fraction

2.Improper Fraction

3.Mixed Fraction

4.Equivalent Fraction

Activities involved in fractions addition:

1. When we add two fractions with same denominator, those fractions are added directly.

For example:

`(2/3) + (7/3) = (2+7)/(3) = 9/3`   (here numerator is divided by denominator)


2. When we add two fractions with different denominator, we have to find least common denominator.

`(2/3) + (6/9) = [(2xx3)+6]/(9) = (6+6)/(9) = (12)/(9)` (here numerator is divided by denominator)


3. If mixed fraction is involved in fractions addition, we have to convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction. Then we have to check the denominators. If the denominators are different, we have to find least common denominator. Otherwise no problem.

2 ¾ + 5/4

Take the mixed fraction 2 ¾

Convert it to improper fraction as below

` [(2xx4)+3]/(4) = (8+3)/(4) = (11)/(4)`

Now we can do the fractions addition

`(11)/(4) + (5)/(4)= (11+5)/(4) = (16)/(4) = 4`

Monday, May 6, 2013

About Easy Vector Tutorial

Easy vector tutorial is process of tutoring to students in online by the tutors. Easy vector tutorial is the vectors which are specified by magnitude and direction. The examples of vectors are displacement, velocity, acceleration, momentum of force and weight. Easy vector tutorial is method  tutoring on vector problems in the online with basic steps and calculations. Tutor vista is the main website to provide online tutors to give easy vector tutorial.  The following problems are some of the examples of  easy vector tutorial process done by tutor vista.

Easy vector tutorial on example problems

Example problem 1: Add 2`veci` +6`vecj`+4`veck` with 5`veci`+2`vecj`+2`veck`
Place the vectors according to the magnitudes shown below.
    2`veci` + 6`vecj` +4`veck`
    5`veci` + 2`vecj` +2`veck`
    7`veci` + 8`vecj` + 6`veck`
Example problem 2: Subtract 5`veci` + 4`vecj`- 8`veck` with 4`veci`- 6`vecj` +3`veck`
Since we have the magnitudes in opposite direction it will be easy to perform method
    (5`veci` + 4`vecj`- 8`veck`4`veci`- 6`vecj` +3`veck`
    `(13 - 4)veci + (4-(-6))vecj + (-8-3)veck`
    `(13 - 4)veci + (4 + 6))vecj + (-8-3)veck`
    `(9) veci + (10)vecj + (-11) veck`
     `9 veci +10vecj -11 veck`

Example problem 3: Find the magnitude of `2 veci - vecj + 7 veck`
Magnitude of `2veci - 3vecj + 7 veck = |2veci - 3vecj + 7 veck|`
                                                   = `sqrt((2)^2 + (-3)^2 + (7)^2)`
                                                  =`sqrt (62)`

Example problem 4: Find the sum of the vectors `veca - vecb + 2 vecc` and `2veca +3vecb - 4vecc` and also find the modulus of the sum.
Let  `vecx = veca - vecb + 2 vecc` ,      `vecy = 2veca + 3 vecb - 4vecc`
`vecx + vecy = (veca - vecb + 2 vecc) + (2veca + 3 vecb - 4vecc)`
             `= 3 veca +2vecb - 2 vecc`
`|vecx + vecy| = sqrt (3^2 + 2^2 + (-2)^2)`
               ` = sqrt (9+4+4)`
               ` = sqrt 17`

Easy vector tutorial on practce problems

1. Add 7`veca` +2`vecb`+3`vecc` with 2`veca`+3`vecb`+`3vecc`
Answer: 9`veca`+5`vecb`+6`vecc`
2. Subtract 4`veci` + 3`vecj`- 6`veck` with `veci`- 2`vecj` +2`veck`
Answer: `veci`+5`vecj` -8`veck`
3. Find the sum of the vectors `vecp -3 vecq + 2 vecr` and `3vecp +vecq - 2vecr` and also find the modulus of the sum.
Answer: 6

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Geometric Mean

     The geometric mean is the mean or average which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers. This is similar to arithmetic mean, which is the sum of adding the set of numbers and then dividing the sum of count number in set, n, and the number are multiplied and the nth root of resulting value is taken. The geometric mean only applies to positive numbers.

Formula Of Geometric Mean

Geometric Mean = ((X1)(X2)(X3)........(XN))1/N
              X = Individual score
              N = Sample size (Number of scores)

Geometric mean is also used for set of numbers whose values are multiplied together or exponential in nature, such as growth of growth of human population or interest rates of a financial investment. The geometric mean is one of the three classic Pythagorean means, aforementioned arithmetic mean and harmonic mean.

Calculation of Geometric Mean

 The geometric mean of data set [ a1, a2, --------, an ] is given by
$\left(\prod_{i = 1}^{n} a_{i}\right)^{1/n}$ = $ \sqrt[n]{a_{1}a_{2}......a_{n}}$
The geometric mean of a given set is less than or equal to the given set of arithmetic mean (the two mean of equal when all the members of a data set are equal) this allows the definition for arithmetic geometric mean the two values always lie in between the geometric mean is also arithmetic harmonic mean in that if two sequences (an) and (hn) are defined:
an + 1 =  $\frac{an + hn}{2}$ , ao   = x and
hn + 1 = $\frac{2}{1/an + 1/bn}$, ho = y.
Then an is converge to the geometric mean of x. hn is converge to the geometric mean of y.
The sequence for converge to a common limit ( which can be shown by Bolzano - Weierstrass theorem) the geometric mean is given by
$\sqrt{a_{i}h_{i}}$  = $\sqrt{\frac{a_{i} + h{i}}{1/a_{i} + 1/h_{i}}}$  =  $ \sqrt{a_{i + 1}h_{i+1}}$

Exponential Growth of Geometric Mean

The geometric mean is more approximate than the arithmetic mean for explaining exponential growth.